October 15, 2009

Something Positive: Wisdom


Finally something positive that comes with aging! Wisdom, I do enjoy that part. Here are some of the more important things I have learned please add yours.

1.There is a difference between friends and acquaintances.
2.I deserve to be loved and treated well.
3.Life is to be lived in the moment, the next minute is not promised to us so why worry about that if we live in the moment each one is special.( I forget this sometimes)

4.I'm allowed to have feelings no matter what they are and it is ok to share them as long as I don't place blame on someone else for how I feel.
5.A good long walk in the woods helps many things.
6.Don't believe the advice forums on relationships~honesty is the best policy, most sites want to tell you how to manipulate your partner.
7.Misery loves company~ if people are miserable they want you to be right there with them.
8.People can say anything they want to me, it is my choice how I react to what they say.
9.Just because someone said it does not make it true.
10.If you would be embarrassed about something you are going to do, maybe you shouldn't do it.
11.Relationships should be nurturing, each individual should be allowed to grow and change. 
12. Sometimes apart is better than together.
13.Being alone does not mean being lonely.
14. The hardest thing to do is look at oneself in the mirror and ask all those questions you ask everyone else. 
15.There is one person you can count on not to lie to you. Look in the mirror.
16.The truth hurts sometimes but at least you can figure out what to do with that.
17. Educated does not always mean smart.
18. Body Mind Spirit~They all work together
19. Be careful what you ask for you might get it.
20. No one else can make you happy or feel good only you can do that.

These are some of mine~waiting on yours. 



tom wise said...

13. Being Alone...What I see around me way too much is folks that cannot be alone. Some people certainly don't have time to be alone it seems...but we must make time...and fellas have to learn to give their gal time to be alone..or do whatever it is she needs to do for herself, including alone time. Alone time is when we build that wonderful relationship with the Self. All relationships need maintenance. Being alone allows us to consider ourselves and our connection to the entire universe.

tom wise said...

18. You might not believe this...but this is almost a direct quote of a missing book of the bible known as the Book of Thomas.

Antonia said...

I will look into the quote you speak of, very interesting. Women as well should allow their guy the alone time they need. A lot of the trouble I think stems from people needing to be entertained so to speak. Often I think people don't know how to be together but alone. Silence is so often awkward for many even in intimate relationships. Alone time may be something some people don't like for the reasons you speak of. It is a time to be intimate and reflect on one's own self and life.