October 15, 2009


Yes! It is natural it is apart of aging not a disease Women have been experiencing it since the dawn of time I am sure. The Mayo Clinic defines it well......

"Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation and fertility, defined as occurring 12 months after your last menstrual period.
Menopause is a natural biological process, not a medical illness. Even so, the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause can disrupt your sleep, sap your energy and — at least indirectly — trigger feelings of sadness and loss.
Hormonal changes cause the physical symptoms of menopause, but mistaken beliefs about the menopausal transition are partly to blame for the emotional ones." The full statement can be found at

Hormonal changes they say, aah yes.......more like a hormonal roller coaster. I am Peri-menopausal and some days wonder if I am losing my mind. Insomnia, occasional night hot flashes, those are tolerable. It is the emotional roller that drives me nuts. As my friend says she gets in a "tizzy." That is exactly what it feels like an internal "tizzy." So how do we combat the emotional issues of menopause. Recognizing what is occurring has helped me, only in the fact that I have learned to hold my tongue so to speak. Often I found my self in such a state that I would feel these emotions building until they were released as tears or anger. Then I would be left standing there thinking, "What was that about?" It was not about anything for the most part but hormones. Little things that normally did not bother me were becoming emotional hurricanes. Once I recognized this I was able to say, "hey self, you know what this is, chill out." Self has listened for the most part and behaves.

Of course there are the western medicine options of HTR, which I opt out of. Too many negative side effects for me. Apparently the people who are smarter than me have not figured it out yet so I will keep to toughing it out. A few natural things that are supposed to help are black cohosh, saw palmetto, and soy. All not proven or controversial. Black Cohosh has helped me. Also they say women who are the correct weight and exercise have an easier time of it. So maybe I will survive this after all. I find sex helps to relieve the emotional side effects also. Probably a way to release all those excess hormones running around where they don't belong. Or maybe stimulating a hormone that is lacking. Who knows one of life's little mysteries, but it works for me so that's all I have to say about that.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts~


tom wise said...

Sex also makes sense in that it signals the body. It may very well tell it..."umm...I'm not quite thru here chick"....therefore, aligning those hormones like you say~

I'd venture to say its like every other part we think about and know about. We have to send a demand signal....want a strong heart? Love, laugh, eat right and exercise. Strong Brain: Learn a new skill, a new language, or just at least try to. Strong muscles...no osteoporosis for yu...hike, bike, tennis..Want sex hormones to chill...feed them sex, sexual thought, sexual deed.

Antonia said...

I do think our bodies tell us what we need or want. It is the listening to them that takes practice. That is where the alone time comes in or even just the still moments when our bodies say, "hey, pay attention, this is what you need." After all a need is defined as, " a physiological or psychological requirement for the well-being of an organism." by the Merriam Webster's dictionary.